How low does ones vitamin B12 need to be to reach Anemia? - vitamin b12 and frequnt urinations
I have really low levels of vitamin B12. My sheet says the B12 blood test results should be between 165 and 829th My doctors have said that the level is good for 400 to 600, only 79th For some reason I never rarely weak and dizzy, especially during exercise. My red blood cells are also good.
Is this normal? Define age groups, with a return rate would be very welcome.
1 comment:
Well, I can not give you what you know. You should not respond directly to what you asked, but I hope I can shed some light on things that I did not mention dandruff. The amount of vitamin B12 that a person is different. The average adult will need 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day. Age is a factor, why do you need more. You can not overdose, it's great boost, too.
Play a few other symptoms that a lack of vitamin B12 may indicate. You are not anemic may be, but that does not mean that you do not suffer from a low level in other ways. If you are any of these symptoms, especially if you have more than one, which would benefit from taking vitamin B12. You can put tablets subcutaneously (under the tongue and absorbed directly into the blood removed) or opt for injections of vitamin B12. My doctor has suggested that the shooting? It seems that you are the ideal candidate for the provision of them with such a low level.
Possible symptoms of low vitamin B12:
Diarrhea, low energy levels, lack of energy, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, fatigue, tinglingHands and feet, dizziness, depression, confusion, the moths and the language and painful history of anemia
I hope I was helpful.
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